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5 stories in this thread

06:47 on July 4 2011

Radiohead launch Chinese 'weibo' web blog

NMEBand launch web presence in China, despite public opposition to country's human rights policy more info
05:43 on July 4 2011

Radiohead Launch 'Censored' Chinese 'Weibo' Web Blog

GigwiseDespite criticism of Chinese government... more info
14:17 on July 5 2011

Radiohead Launch Chinese Blog

StereogumRadiohead is expressly opposed to China’s totalitarian tactics in the press and in Tibet, and yet Radiohead has set up a page on Sina Weibo, the media-censored country... more info
16:24 on July 5 2011

Radiohead ventures into Chinese social media

USA Today MusicRadiohead recently launched a page on the "weibo" site of leading Chinese Internet portal more info
16:10 on July 6 2011

Radiohead appear to launch microblog in China

Guardian MusicAccount linked to band has attracted 65,000 followers in five days, but could be shut down if used to discuss politicsA Radiohead microblog on China's most popular web po... more info


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