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6 stories in this thread

10:44 on October 28 2009

Lily Allen 'Partying Is What Life's All About'

AngryApeThe singer won't be giving up booze more info
14:38 on October 28 2009

Video: Lily Allen - Who'd Have Known?

AngryApe more info
14:22 on October 28 2009

Lily Allen to set up her own record label

NMESinger says she is not leaving music behind more info
17:31 on October 28 2009

Lily Allen 'To Start Record Label?'

AngryApeShe's in talks to sign other artists more info
19:30 on October 28 2009

Ready for bed? Lily Allen hides her face at the end of drunken night

The Daily MailBleary eyed, she held her head in her hands as photographers snapped away. more info
02:09 on October 29 2009

Lily Allen To Have Own Record Label

411 Mania"I'm not retiring from music"... more info


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