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3 stories in this thread

15:28 on July 14 2011

Red Hot Chili Peppers promoting 'I'm With You' through cryptic street art

NMEBand have even hired Banksy associate to help push their 10th album more info
07:30 on July 14 2011

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Targeted by Banksy Apprentice

TMZFiled under: Banksy L.A. has been blindsided by a wave of cryptic Red Hot Chili Peppers-themed street art -- and TMZ has learned the secret identity of th... more info
11:30 on July 15 2011

Red Hot Chili Peppers' album gets Mr Brainwashed

Guardian MusicWhen Mr Brainwash appeared in Banksy's Exit Through the Giftshop, some wondered if he was real. Now he's plastering LA with street art to promote the Peppers' new album I... more info


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