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3 stories in this thread

10:15 on May 28 2009

Review: Mandy Moore more grown-up on 'Amanda Leigh,' but needs to grow more

TopixMandy Moore, "Amanda Leigh" Sure, Mandy Moore has grown up. She's 25, married to singer-songwriter Ryan Adams and pushing past the teen-pop territory of her younger days,... more info
20:01 on May 28 2009

Mandy Moore Finds Marital Bliss in Misery

AOL MusicMandy Moore Finds Marital Bliss in Misery more info
21:00 on May 28 2009

Newly married Mandy Moore not sure where her career will take her next

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaTORONTO - In the last few months, Mandy Moore has got married, released a sixth solo disc that she says is a "step beyond" her previous work and shot a music video where ... more info


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