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4 stories in this thread

12:39 on June 1 2011

Rihanna shoots in 'Man Down' video

USA Today MusicMorning roundup: See Rihanna shoot a man in her new video, Alec Baldwin's new love, the latest Arnold news and more. more info
06:04 on June 2 2011

Rihanna Shoots Sex Attacker in 'Man Down' Video

PopeaterFiled under: Music News, Troublemakers, YouTube, Rihanna, AOL Music Rihanna has premiered a graphic and controversial new music video for her latest single 'Man Down,' in... more info
18:04 on June 2 2011

Critics Try to Shoot Down Rihanna's Violent 'Man Down' Video

PopeaterFiled under: Music News, Troublemakers, Rihanna, AOL Music Rihanna premiered the music video for her latest single 'Man Down' on BET Tuesday (May 31) and the pop star is ... more info
15:04 on June 3 2011

Rihanna Fires Back at 'Man Down' Music Video Critics

PopeaterFiled under: Music News, Celebrity Scandal, Videos, Rihanna An endorsement of revenge-based manslaughter or "art with a message," Rihanna would say that her new 'Man Down... more info


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