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4 stories in this thread

19:20 on February 15 2013

Romantic Valentines Gift for Rihanna? A Bouquet of Weed, from Chris Brown?

ContactMusicSinger Rihanna enraged many of her fans yesterday posting a photo of a large marijuana plant with the caption "Roses are green. Somebody knows how to... more info
22:27 on February 15 2013

Rihanna Got Weed For Valentine's Day

411 ManiaRoses are green... more info
23:03 on February 15 2013

Rihanna and Chris Brown Party at Same Club, Refuse to Sit Together on Valentine's Day

E! OnlineValentine's Day wasn't so lovely for Rihanna and Chris Brown. The controversial couple both spent Thursday night at Hollywood's Playhouse nightclub, but eyewitnesses te... more info
22:00 on February 16 2013

Rihanna and Chris Brown love Valentine's Day

ContactMusicRihanna and Chris Brown treat every day like Valentine's Day.The on/off couple - who ignored each other in a Los Angeles nightclub on Wednesday... more info


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