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5 stories in this thread

18:57 on May 24 2010

Fergie admits to Prince Andrew cash scandal

L.A. Times - EntertainmentThe royal redhead also known as Fergie has been caught in a messy sting accepting cash for access to ex-husband Prince Andrew. more info
11:45 on May 24 2010

Duchess Fergie's Latest Scandal - Caught on Camera

People.comSarah Ferguson apologizes for taking cash in exchange for arranging a business connection to ex-husband Prince Andrew more info
17:45 on May 26 2010

Did Prince Andrew Forgive Duchess Fergie for Latest Scandal?

People.comA report in a U.K. tabloid says the Duke of York is ready to move on after his ex was taped selling access to him more info
12:48 on May 24 2010

Sarah Ferguson “Deeply Embarrassed” Following Prince Andrew Cash-For-Access Scandal

Pop CrunchVisit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy The Original Fergie — Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson — was caught selling access to her ex-h... more info
13:00 on May 24 2010

The Royal Fergie Caught Selling Access To Prince Andrew!!

Perez HiltonDuchess of York Sarah Ferguson has been caught on video attempting to trade access to ex-husband Prince Andrew in return for cash totaling over $700,000! The tape catches... more info


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