In School of Seven Bells’ music, a human element lurks behind a veil of technology and noise; Toby Holbrooks’ video for the Brooklyn trio’s “Half Asleep” follows suit, depicting real-life twin vocalists Alejandra and Claudia Deheza as earthbound beauties, while complicating their image through...
Altsounds — In School of Seven Bells’ music, a human element lurks behind a veil of technology and noise; Toby Holbrooks’ video for the Brooklyn trio’s Ã... more info
Radio Exile — In the last few months since we first posted a track from School of Seven Bells [Myspace], it is really incredible how far they have come - everyone seems to have an opin... more info
Perfect Porridge — Fujiya and Miyagi
Fujiya and Miyagi are perfectly content with walking the line between rock band and club music, and last night’s sold out 7th Street Entry crowd
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