Simon Cowell Rumored to Be Lined Up For Knighthood
Via The Daily Mirror and Rickey
This item is from a gossip column, and cites anonymous sources. But to be honest, I think Simon Cowell’s knighthood–at some point–is inevitable. Maybe not now though.
How long did it take Paul McCartney and Elton John to be knighted? Yeah, it seems a little soon for Simon.
Oh, by the way–I heard ages ago that Simon would be doing a farewell sit-down with Oprah. So, look forward to that.
Simon Cowell is being lined up for a knighthood in the Queen’s B...
Mjsbigblog —
Via The Daily Mirror and Rickey
This item is from a gossip column, and cites anonymous sources. But to be honest, I think Simon Cowell’s knighthood–at some point–i... more info