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5 stories in this thread

14:45 on February 27 2017

Skrillex, Incubus + Chino From Deftones Are In The Studio Together

Rock SoundWhat's going on? Skrillex (AKA Sonny Moore), Incubus and Chino Moreno of Deftones are in the studio together! We don't know exactly what's happening ye... more info
15:03 on February 27 2017

Chino Moreno from the Deftones Was in the Studio with Skrillex and Incubus

MetalsucksBut why? The post Chino Moreno from the Deftones Was in the Studio with Skrillex and Incubus appeared first on MetalSucks. more info
14:00 on February 27 2017

Skrillex is collaborating with Deftones' Chino Moreno and Incubus

DJmagOWSLA boss returns to his rock roots... more info
17:46 on February 27 2017

Why Is Chino From DEFTONES In The Studio With SKRILLEX And INCUBUS?

Metal InjectionWe couldn't believe our ears when we heard a new Incubus song we liked a few weeks ago. The band... The post Why Is Chino From DEFTONES In The Studio With SKRILLEX A... more info
18:00 on February 28 2017

Skrillex, Incubus and Chino Moreno share more footage from recent studio sessions: Watch

DJmagTheir working on the new Incubus LP.... more info


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