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3 stories in this thread

16:00 on May 11 2010

Hear the New Sleigh Bells Album Now

PitchforkAt this very moment, NPR is streaming in its entirety the debut album from Brooklyn duo Sleigh Bells, titled Treats. It is loud and features recent Best New Track "Tell '... more info
06:53 on May 11 2010

[Stream] Sleigh Bells’ – Treats

We All Want Someone To Shout ForNPR is streaming Treats, the debut album Sleigh Bells that has everyone who listens to new music practically creaming their pants. The album was just released digitally o... more info
17:01 on May 11 2010

Sleigh Bells First Listen*Sleigh Bells (*' new album Treats is now streaming at NPR First Listen ( more info


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