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5 stories in this thread

08:59 on July 26 2016

Appeal filed against Led Zeppelin 'Stairway To Heaven' plagiarism verdict

NMEBand won their copyright infringement lawsuit in June more info
20:20 on July 26 2016

Appeal Filed In Copyright Lawsuit Against Led Zeppelin

411 ManiaThe band previously won... more info
17:00 on July 26 2016

An Appeal Has Been Filed in the Led Zeppelin Plagiarism Case

MetalsucksHo boy. The post An Appeal Has Been Filed in the Led Zeppelin Plagiarism Case appeared first on MetalSucks. more info
23:50 on July 26 2016

Spirit musician's estate to appeal ruling in Led Zeppelin 'Stairway to Heaven' case

L.A. Times - EntertainmentThe estate of musician Randy California, of L.A. rock band Spirit, intends to appeal the jury verdict last month that found that Led Zeppelin did not lift music that form... more info
23:50 on July 26 2016

Spirit musician's estate to appeal ruling in Led Zeppelin 'Stairway to Heaven' case

L.A. Times - Pop & HissThe estate of musician Randy California, of L.A. rock band Spirit, intends to appeal the jury verdict last month that found that Led Zeppelin did not lift music that form... more info


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