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3 stories in this thread

13:08 on February 7 2011

Listen to PJ Harvey’s new album Let England Shake

Nialler9PJ Harvey’s Let England Shake can now be heard via a stream at NPR. more info
14:01 on February 7 2011

Shorties (Stream the New PJ Harvey Album, Karen Russell, and more)

LargeHeartedBoyNPR is streaming the new PJ Harvey album, Let England Shake (out February 15th). Also streaming at NPR: Adele's 21 album (out ). The Bat Segundo Show interviews Karen Rus... more info
22:40 on February 7 2011

Stream Albums from Toro Y Moi, PJ Harvey & Trail of Dead

melophobeFor those of you obsessed with new music – you know we are! – there are three new albums that are up for stream pre-release, all courtesy of different venues. So get ... more info


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