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3 stories in this thread

00:10 on October 13 2016

Stream Male Bonding’s Surprise Album Headache

StereogumFired-up UK grunge-punks Male Bonding have only released a handful of songs since their 2011 sophomore LP Endless Now, and we haven’t heard a peep from the trio in over... more info
03:45 on October 13 2016

Stream: Male Bonding’s surprise album Headache

Consequence of SoundEnglish outfit emerges from the shadows with its first LP in over five years. more info
13:30 on October 13 2016

stream Male Bonding's surprise-released first album in five years, 'Headache'

Brooklyn VeganThe British lo-fi pop punks were teasing stuff all of last year, and now they're finally back with their third album. Continue reading… more info


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