Filed under: Video of the DayArtist: Stuyvesant
Video: 'Duly Noted'
Highlight: "'Duly Noted is my lame take on Elvis Costello's 'I Want You': beautiful-sounding melody with super bitter lyrics," Stuyvesant's Ralph Malanga tells Spinner. "That song always stuck with me. The reason for the bags on our heads is because I could never really talk like that to anyone face to face. Plus the fact that we're butt ugly and I didn't want to distract the listener/viewer with our Gollum-like faces."
... — Filed under: Video of the DayArtist: Stuyvesant
Video: 'Duly Noted'
Highlight: "'Duly Noted is my lame take on Elvis Costello's 'I Want You': beautiful-sounding melody ... more info