Susan Boyle wants to pay it forward!
The singer was an overnight sensation after appearing on Britain's Got Talent last year and now she wants to pass the baton to someone else by launching a search to help her find a singer to duet on her new album, The Gift.
She's running the competition on [...]
Popeater — Filed under: Music News, TV News, Videos, YouTube Susan Boyle got her start as an unknown on 'Britain's Got Talent,' now the singer is looking for some untapped talent on... more info
ContactMusic — SUSAN BOYLE wants her fans to experience the same overnight success she garnered last year (09) - she's launching a search to find a singer to duet on her new... more info
Pop Crunch — Wanna duet with SuBo? Scottish underdog-turned-platinum-selling sensation Susan Boyle rose to pop culture infamy after conquering a lifelong fear of rejection and wowing ... more info
Perez Hilton — Susan Boyle wants to pay it forward!
The singer was an overnight sensation after appearing on Britain's Got Talent last year and now she wants to pass the baton to someon... more info