T.I. addresses persistent claims by detractors that an "experimental" plea deal that landed him a reduced prison sentence came as the result of "snitching," or cooperating with law enforcement, in the July/August issue of XXL magazine.
Idolator — T.I. just released the album cover for his forthcoming King Uncaged, and let’s just say it leaves no doubt that his first post-prison LP (featuring the fiery “I’m B... more info
MTV.com News — 'I made myself a useful member of society,' Tip says of why he landed plea deal, in July/August XXL.
By Mawuse Ziegbe
Photo: Christopher Polk/ Getty Images
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VH1 News — T.I. addresses persistent claims by detractors that an "experimental" plea deal that landed him a reduced prison sentence came as the result of "snitching," or cooperatin... more info