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5 stories in this thread

18:05 on May 25 2013

[VIDEO] Will Smith Raps and Break Dances on The Graham Norton Show

411 ManiaHe even brings along Jazzy Jeff... more info
22:00 on May 25 2013

Will Smith Raps Fresh Prince Theme Song with Son Jaden - and Dances with Alfonso Ribeiro!

People.comThe star has a mini sitcom reunion on The Graham Norton Show more info
03:38 on May 27 2013

TV on the Web: Will Smith, son Jaden reveal rap act

USA Today MusicWill and Jaden Smith do a remix of the 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' song. more info
00:37 on May 27 2013

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Reunion Including Jaden Smith

Chorus.fmWill and Jaden smith performed a rap/dance medley on the Graham Norton Show the other night featuring DJ Jazzy Jeff and Alfonso Ribeiro. Head to the replies to check it ... more info
14:30 on May 26 2013

The Best Thing You’ll See All Weekend: Will Smith, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Alfonso Ribierto Perform Fresh Prince Song

Big Apple Music SceneI noticed a lot of people were talking about this video yesterday, and I didn't watch it or think much of it because Will Smith performed the theme from Fresh Prince of ... more info


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