Take two: who has made the best 're-version' of their own record? | Tony Naylor
Damian Lazarus reworked his album to meet his fans' original expectations, Franz Ferdinand did it to defy them. Whatever the reason, they should be applaudedIn last year's Smoke The Monster Out [STMO], DJ/producer Damian Lazarus delivered, arguably, the defining album of the modern clubbing experience. In a similar way to Björk's Debut, released 15 years earlier, STMO captured, in its mood, sonic palette and lyrics, both the transcendence and transient emptiness of modern techno culture. Ambiv...
Guardian Music — Damian Lazarus reworked his album to meet his fans' original expectations, Franz Ferdinand did it to defy them. Whatever the reason, they should be applaudedIn last year'... more info