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4 stories in this thread

20:11 on April 25 2009

Noel Gallagher: Dig Out Your Solo

News of The WorldNoel Gallagher: Dig Out Your Solo more info
08:15 on April 26 2009

Explosive Noel Gallagher Interview In June's Q Magazine

Stopcryingyourheartout.comNoel Gallagher has suggested there may be no new Oasis album for at least five years, in an interview with Q.The guitarist – who spoke to Q for the new edition on ... more info
08:31 on April 26 2009

TalkSport With Noel Gallagher and Russell Brand Reviewed

Stopcryingyourheartout.comOver on TalkSport, another foot-in-mouth broadcaster was making a return. Russell Brand hosted a two-hour football show with Noel Gallagher the Saturday before last.It pr... more info
15:18 on April 26 2009

'Deadly Anger' Of Noel Gallagher

Stopcryingyourheartout.comNoel Gallagher has admitted he was so furious when his dad hit his mum he could have killed him.The Oasis star, 41, witnessed the violent break-up of the relationship bet... more info


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