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6 stories in this thread

19:45 on August 29 2016

Taylor Swift -- I Can't Be Impartial in a Rape Case

TMZTaylor Swift was just dismissed as a prospective juror in a aggravated rape/kidnapping case because she told the judge she has a pending civil case that also involves sex... more info
23:06 on August 29 2016

Taylor Swift Dismissed as Prospective Juror in Rape Case

411 ManiaBecause she has a lawsuit involving sexual assault... more info
02:33 on August 30 2016

Taylor Swift dismissed from jury in sexual assault case due to 'own ongoing sexual assault lawsuit'

The Mirror Pictures showed the Love Story singer back in Nashville chatting to other jurors more info
12:45 on August 30 2016

Taylor Swift Dismissed as a Potential Juror in Nashville

TimeThe pop star has been excused from jury duty due to a conflict with her pending sexual assault lawsuit more info
14:10 on August 30 2016

Taylor Swift jury duty: She wants off rape case because of her own groping trial

Mercury News, CaliforniaNASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- A Nashville judge dismissed pop star Taylor Swift as a potential juror in an aggravated rape and kidnapping case on Monday, Davidson County Distr... more info
17:46 on August 30 2016

Taylor Swift gets out of jury duty

Mercury News, CaliforniaTaylor Swift’s pending lawsuit over allegedly being groped by a Denver DJ gets her out of jury duty in Nashville on a rape and kidnapping case. more info


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