The late-night host opens with a 'Godfather'-style bang on his new TBS show, then settles in to chat with Seth Rogen and Lea Michele, and rock with Jack White.Conan O'Brien's contractually mandated wandering in the wilderness that is Everything That Is Not Television came to an end Monday night with the premiere of his new TBS late-night show, " Conan." Technically, it came to an end the previous week with a three-minute walk-on to new late-night neighbor George Lopez's "Lopez Tonight," which "C...
L.A. Times - Entertainment — The late-night host opens with a 'Godfather'-style bang on his new TBS show, then settles in to chat with Seth Rogen and Lea Michele, and rock with Jack White.Conan O'Bri... more info
Detroit Free Press — The much-anticipated debut of "Conan" on TBS Monday night ended with host Conan O'Brien jamming out on guitar with his buddy Jack White. more info
L.A. Times - News — The late-night host opens with a 'Godfather'-style bang on his new TBS show, then settles in to chat with Seth Rogen and Lea Michele, and rock with Jack White.Conan O'Bri... more info