The ‘Real Housewives’ Don’t Have to Suck Up to Celebrities — So Why Do They?
Last night's Real Housewives of New Jersey
mixed in some awkwardness with the usual passive-aggression, when Albie and Christopher Manzo took their family to go see Alexa Ray Joel perform. It was cute how Albie was nervous to talk to Alexa, but downright weird to watch Caroline and Albert suck up to her at the dinner before her set. When Albie made some incomprehensible joke, his parents swooped in to compliment Alexa on her genes, while parents Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley sat nearby. Can ...
Big Apple Music Scene — Last night's Real Housewives of New Jersey
mixed in some awkwardness with the usual passive-aggression, when Albie and Christopher Manzo took their family to go see Alex... more info