The Beach Beneath the Street by McKenzie Wark – review
The life and times of the Situationist InternationalThe Situationist International (SI) was created on 27 July 1957 in Cosio di Arroscia in Italy. Its nine founding members were drawn from three groupuscules of the European avant garde: the Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus, the Lettrist International (a neo-surrealist outfit that had emerged in the early 50s bohemia of the Parisian Left Bank) and the London Psychogeographical Society which, in the person of its solitary member, Ralph Rumney, ha...
Guardian Music — The life and times of the Situationist InternationalThe Situationist International (SI) was created on 27 July 1957 in Cosio di Arroscia in Italy. Its nine founding membe... more info