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3 stories in this thread

18:05 on March 6 2012

People Are Demanding Coroner Investigate Whitney Houston's Death As A Murder

411 ManiaThey're getting emails and phone calls... more info
16:00 on March 6 2012

The El Lay County Coroner Has Begun Getting The "Whitney Houston Was Murdered!" Phone Calls!

Perez HiltonIt was only a matter of time before the crazies started in. According to sources at the El Lay County Coroner's Office, they have received several phone calls and e-mails... more info
08:00 on March 7 2012

Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston's 'relatives' Claim Murder

ContactMusicWhitney Houstons relatives have reportedly bombarded the coroner with claims she was murdered The 48-year-old singers February 11 death looked set to be officially ruled ... more info


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