The story of the Hold Steady really is pretty inspirational: Midwestern indie lifers whose brilliant older band (Lifter Puller, act like you know) only really found an audience after it broke up give up on the idea of music as a living, form a classic rock bar band for the fuck of it, and then, after years, blow the fuck up with that. Plus they're all extremely funny dudes who know how to talk (Craig Finn in particular), and Tad Kubler's blasé rock star guitar moves are the sort of thing you c...
Radio Exile — Vagrant Records and The Hold Steady [Official Site, Myspace] announce an April 7 release date for A Positive Rage, a double disc package featuring a documentary on DVD an... more info
Pitchfork — The story of the Hold Steady really is pretty inspirational: Midwestern indie lifers whose brilliant older band (Lifter Puller, act like you know) only really found an a... more info
Silent Uproar — Vagrant will release A Positive Rage from The Hold Steady on April 7th. The CD/DVD includes a live set recorded on Halloween 2007 and a 53-minute documentary shot during ... more info
Pitchfork — The story of the Hold Steady really is pretty inspirational: Midwestern indie lifers whose brilliant older band (Lifter Puller, act like you know) only really found an a... more info
Rolling Stone — The Hold Steady will release their first live album A Positive Rage on April 7th. In addition to a CD stocked full of tracks from the band’s earlier discography like 20... more info