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3 stories in this thread

00:08 on September 30 2009

The Invention of Lying Movie Review: Ricky Gervais Can Go Only So Far, or So Funny

New Times Broward-Palm Beach, FLThe Invention of Lying's plot hook sounds like a pileup of Jim Carrey/Tom Shadyac concept comedies. The assumption is that there isn't much crossover between the Liar, Li... more info
18:48 on September 29 2009

The Invention of Lying: Premiere

The NewsroomRicky Gervais explains that "The Invention of Lying" is more than just a comedy. And Jennifer Garner and Louis C.K. tell us about their characters. more info
21:30 on September 29 2009

Ricky Gervais invents lying in new movie

The NewsroomStars discuss new movie The Invention Of Lying more info


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