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4 stories in this thread

13:05 on January 14 2013

The Knife announce European tour dates

Consequence of SoundThe tour kicks off April 27th. more info
13:19 on January 14 2013

The Knife’s European tour dates

Nialler9Fancy a trip away to see The Knifeā€™s live comeback? The dates of interest to you in April and May are below. All Shaking The Habitual show tickets will be made availabl... more info
16:30 on January 14 2013

The Knife to Tour Europe in Spring

XLR8RWhile we all continue ruminating what Shaking the Habitual, the forthcoming fourth LP by enigmatic Swedish duo The Knife, might actually sound like, Karin Dreijer Anderss... more info
23:07 on January 14 2013

The Knife Announce European Tour*The Knife (* have announced a European tour for April and May. You can find those in the replies. more info


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