The Kooks - "Pamela (Animation)" [Rock & Alternative]
"Pamela (Animation)" music video by The KooksAdded: 16-03-2019Genre : Rock & AlternativeDescription : The Kooks - Pamela (Animation)Creative Director: Peter ReeveIllustrator and Animator:James Wragg Production Company: RMV Productions-The Kooks are an English indie rock band formed in 2004 in Brighton. The band currently consists of Luke Pritchard (vocals/rhythm guitar), Hugh Harris (lead guitar/synthesizer) and Alexis Nunez (drums). The original bassist was Max Rafferty, and the founding drumme...
Totally Fuzzy — "Pamela (Animation)" music video by The KooksAdded: 16-03-2019Genre : Rock & AlternativeDescription : The Kooks - Pamela (Animation)Creative Director: Peter ReeveIllustra... more info