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4 stories in this thread

17:19 on November 19 2008

Video: Secret Machines' Spastic 'Atomic Heels'

Wired - Listening Post"You keep telling me everything’s got to be real," The Secret Machines' front man Brandon Curtis sings on "Atomic Heels." Taking a look at the recently aired video... more info
21:33 on November 19 2008

The Secret Machines: Atomic Heels

Rock SelloutAnyone who’s been bored enough to drink an entire bottle of Robitussin-DM has already personally experienced the new video from The Secret Machines. For those who haven... more info
10:34 on November 20 2008

The Secret Machines Reveal Psychedelic New Video For "Atomic Heels"

AltsoundsA word of warning: the video for “Atomic Heels,” the first single off the Secret Machines’ 2008 self-titled record, is not for the faint-hearte... more info
10:34 on November 20 2008

The Secret Machines Reveal Psychedelic New Video For "Atomic Heels"

AltsoundsA word of warning: the video for “Atomic Heels,” the first single off the Secret Machines’ 2008 self-titled record, is not for the faint-hearte... more info


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