We can exclusively reveal some of the dates from the band's Autumn Tour, with more to be announced in the coming weeks.03rd October - Monroes Bar -Workington, Cumbria (UK)14th October - TBC - Hertogenbosch (Holland)15th October - Paridiso - Amsterdam (Holland)16th October - Magnet Club (Club NME) - Berlin (Germany)17th October - Revolver - Hamburg (Germany)18th October - Sweat - Leipzig (Germany)22nd October - Barhouse - Essex Chemslford (UK)23rd October - Dirty South - Lewisham (UK)24th October...
Stopcryingyourheartout.com — We can exclusively reveal some of the dates from the band's Autumn Tour, with more to be announced in the coming weeks.03rd October - Monroes Bar -Workington, Cumbria (UK... more info