The celebrity wig-wearing trend has to be good news
If Adele, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj are proud to talk about their wigs, there's hope for those of us with bad hairWigs seem to have gone mainstream. How? And why?Orla McGarry, BelfastAs ever, Orla, this page's most faithful correspondent, you prove yourself to be the perceptive voice of plain-speaking reason. No longer are wigs seen as the province of drag artists and women who inspire drag artists (ie country and western singers.) Following on from chunky platform heels and push-up br...
Guardian Music — If Adele, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj are proud to talk about their wigs, there's hope for those of us with bad hairWigs seem to have gone mainstream. How? And wh... more info