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3 stories in this thread

13:45 on April 13 2009

Tila Tequila: Not Dead [Web 2.noooooo]

IdolatorWhat kind of intruder makes a beeline for their homeowner victim's Twitter account first, and send out messages that said account-holder was in fact dead, and her little ... more info
07:30 on April 13 2009

Tila Tequila Hit By Death Hoax On Twitter NewsReality-TV star Tweets that she's fine, but rep would not comment on alleged incident.By Gil Kaufman Tila Tequila Photo: MTV News Tila Tequila is used to being... more info
19:30 on April 13 2009

Tila Tequila Hit By Death Hoax On Twitter

VH1 NewsTila Tequila was hit by a death hoax on Twitter. The reality-TV star then Tweeted that she's fine, but her rep would not comment on the incident. more info


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