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3 stories in this thread

17:09 on November 2 2009

Lovett, Clark, Ely & Hiatt Recording Mired in Record Deal; New Toby Keith Video; Whip It Like a Mule

The 9513 Country MusicIn an interview with American Songwriter’s Lynne Margolis, Lyle Lovett commented on the possibility of recording with Joe Ely, Guy Clark, and John Hiatt. We have record... more info
17:09 on November 2 2009

Lovett, Clark, Ely & Hiatt Recording Mired in Record Deal; New Toby Keith Video; Whip It Like a Mule

In an interview with American Songwriter’s Lynne Margolis, Lyle Lovett commented on the possibility of recording with Joe Ely, Guy Clark, and John Hiatt. We have record... more info
20:08 on November 2 2009

Toby Keith not who you think he is

CNN ShowbizThe country singer isn't easy to pigeonhole -- which is just the way he likes it. more info


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