The musical world has changed radically since 1995, when Tricky released his groundbreaking, trip-hop-inventing debut, Maxinquaye. Britpop died, then returned, while dance music has fractured into innumerable sub-genres. However, after exile in America and a five-year absence from the stage, either the former Adrian Thaws hasn't realised how much his homeland has also changed or he refuses to comply, breaking the smoking ban with a suspicious "cigarette" within seconds.The crowd share some nervo...
Guardian Music — The musical world has changed radically since 1995, when Tricky released his groundbreaking, trip-hop-inventing debut, Maxinquaye. Britpop died, then returned, while danc... more info
Brooklyn Vegan — As of January 29th, the beginning of Tricky's already-rescheduled tour looked like this: 3/2 Farmingdale, NY @ Crazy Donkey 3/3 New York, NY @ The Fillmore at Irving Plaz... more info