Turbonegro: 'We thought people would start throwing bottles at us'
Six months ago Tony Sylvester was just a fan of Turbonegro. Now the Brit in a bowler hat fronts Norway's wildest bandStanding on an icy pavement outside a dive bar in central Oslo, Tony Sylvester takes a deep breath, pulls his woollen hat down over his forehead and says: "Well, here goes …"We're entering the heart of the Turbojugend, the fanatical group of followers devoted to the Norwegian rock group Turbonegro, the self-styled "biggest underground rock'n'roll band in the world". Six months ...
Guardian Music — Six months ago Tony Sylvester was just a fan of Turbonegro. Now the Brit in a bowler hat fronts Norway's wildest bandStanding on an icy pavement outside a dive bar in cen... more info