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4 stories in this thread

01:17 on November 15 2008

Twilight Feature on Buzznet

Chorus.fmBuzznet ( put a big feature together on Twilight. more info
09:11 on November 15 2008

Twilight Official Soundtrack to be released on 24th November

AltsoundsThe soundtrack to the upcoming film **Twilight** features **Paramore**’s brand new single** Decode**, along with tracks from **Muse**, **Linkin**** Park**, **Per... more info
09:11 on November 15 2008

Twilight Official Soundtrack to be released on 24th November

AltsoundsThe soundtrack to the upcoming film **Twilight** features **Paramore**’s brand new single** Decode**, along with tracks from **Muse**, **Linkin**** Park**, **Per... more info
09:16 on November 15 2008

Twilight film franchise looks ahead - Reuters

E! OnlineTwilight film franchise looks aheadReuters - 12 hours agoBy Steven Zeitchik LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Ahead of next Friday's release of the eagerly anti... more info


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