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3 stories in this thread

16:14 on February 24 2009

New Beatles track – Is this the sound of a Revolution?

Guardian Music Fancy hearing new Beatles material? Then have a listen to this clip that's recently found its way on to YouTube. Apparently the 20th take from the sessions recording Rev... more info
10:00 on February 25 2009

Unreleased Beatles Track Hits the Web + More

Spinner.comFiled under: News Today, Oh Boy!An unreleased recording of the Beatles performing 'Revolution 1,' off 'The White Album,' has surfaced. Though the 10-minute-plus track has... more info
18:57 on February 24 2009

The Beatles - Revolution Take 20 (Unreleased 11 Minute Outtake)

We All Want Someone To Shout ForA few decades later and some “new’ Beatles have shown up. Gotta love the internet! It is supposed to be the outtake of Revolution Take 20, which bridges the gap betwe... more info


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