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5 stories in this thread

22:17 on January 16 2012

Unreleased Michael Jackson Album Found

411 ManiaLikely to go to a museum... more info
11:08 on January 17 2012

Michael Jackson's Robert Burns songs to be released

Guardian MusicSinger's collection of showtunes inspired by Burns's poetry could be donated to a Scottish museum by David GestA Scottish museum may soon be home to one of Michael Jackso... more info
15:10 on January 17 2012

Can you turn Michael Jackson's lyrics into poetry worthy of Robert Burns? | Open thread

Guardian MusicA Jackson catalogue of songs based on Burns's poetry has been found – we'd like you to turn it aroundAlthough he died over two years ago, Michael Jackson continues to s... more info
00:36 on January 16 2012

Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson's Robert Burns Musical Songs Given To Museum

ContactMusicSongs Michael Jackson wrote based on Scottish poet Robert Burns work are to be heard for the first time - they have been donated to a museum by the late superstars longti... more info
07:50 on January 17 2012

Unreleased Michael Jackson Album Surfaces

GigwiseDavid Gest hands over to museum... more info


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