Usher's ex-wife Tameka Raymond has reportedly filed for full custody of their two children.The couple, who divorced back in 2009 after two years of marriage, currently have a joint custody...
ContactMusic — Ushers ex-wife wants to stop him seeing their children Tameka Raymond filed court documents in Georgia asking the singer to be stripped of joint physical custody of their... more info
ContactMusic — Ushers ex-wife Tameka Raymond has filed suit against the singer in a bid to receive full custody of their two kids and recoup 34000 21250 in child support The Yeah hitmak... more info News — Usher's ex-wife Tameka Raymond has reportedly filed for full custody of their two children.The couple, who divorced back in 2009 after two years of marriage, currently ha... more info
Starpulse — Usher's ex-wife Tameka Raymond has taken the singer to task with a list of claims that she says should strip him of physical custody of their two children. more info
The Newsroom — Usher's ex wife Tameka Foster labels him a "dead beat dad". Hey everyone this is Ani Esmailian for Hollyscoop. Usher's ex filed paperwork in a Georgia asking a judge to g... more info