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2 stories in this thread

21:21 on April 4 2014

Watch Jeff Tweedy Learn To Write An Honest Folk Song On Portlandia

StereogumAs promised, Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy appeared in a season 4 episode of Portlandia last night. Tweedy played himself in a sketch that involved Carrie Brownstein and Fred Arm... more info
22:52 on April 4 2014

VIDEOS: Jeff Tweedy on 'Portlandia,' Aziz Ansari in a Daft Punk helmet on 'Parks & Rec' (watch)

Brooklyn VeganAziz in a Daft Punk helmet Last night (4/3) was a good night for music on TV. Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy made an appearance on Portlanda (as announced), where he records ... more info


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