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3 stories in this thread

09:44 on September 9 2009

The 2009 Popjustice Twenty Quid Music Prize: a roundup

Pop JusticeGirls Aloud’s ‘The Promise’ won this year’s Popjustice Twenty Quid Music Prize, as voted live in London last night by... more info
13:16 on September 9 2009

Girls Aloud star turns up at a pub to accept a £20 music prize

BBC News - UKGirls Aloud singer Nicola Roberts turns up at a small London pub to pick up a tongue-in-cheek music prize. more info
16:33 on September 9 2009

Video: Girls Aloud - Teaser Clip from The 'Out Of Control Live From The O2 DVD'

AngryApe more info


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