Video of Radiohead's Grammy Rehearsals
With Radiohead currently more or less out of the news we're kinda sad. There are few bands we like to obsess over as much as Thom and his mates (yes, we obsess like psych patients over Phish and others) and we figured maybe you too would like a dose of Radiohead.
With that in mind we came across this behind the scenes video of Radiohead and the USC Trojan Marching Band rehearsing for their collaboration on "15 Step" at the 51st Annual Grammy Awards on...
JamBase — Video of Radiohead's Grammy Rehearsals
With Radiohead currently more or less out of the news we're kinda sad. There are few bands we like to obsess over as much as Tho... more info
Idolator — This clip has been posted to every music blog in the known universe in the last 24 hours, and while it's pretty enjoyable watching Radiohead mold the USC Trojan Marching ... more info