Vivian Girls, L Magazine, Crystal Stilts, Pierced Arrows
Kickball Katy playing with Fucked Up (more by Chris La Putt)
The L Magazine (aka Marc Hogan): I know you've covered one of the Wipers' songs. Is there an album in particular of theirs that you guys are big on?
Kickball Katy (aka 1/3 of Vivian Girls): We love Youth of America. Like, the first couple. Youth of America, the Over the Edge album and Is This Real, those are three of the best albums ever made, in my opinion. Cassie definitely agrees, and so does Ali. We just wanted to write some crazy ...
Brooklyn Vegan — Kickball Katy playing with Fucked Up (more by Chris La Putt)
The L Magazine (aka Marc Hogan): I know you've covered one of the Wipers' songs. Is there an album in particu... more info