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3 stories in this thread

19:38 on October 10 2014

Waka Flocka Flame -- Arrested for Gun Possession at Airport

TMZJoking about Ebola is the newest way to get yourself in trouble at the airport, but bringing a gun through security is the classic way ... as Waka Flocka Flame learned o... more info
23:27 on October 10 2014

Waka Flocka Flame Arrested At The Airport For Bringing A Loaded Handgun!

Perez HiltonUsually bringing a cough to the airport these days can spell trouble what with Ebola. Bringing a gun? A lot more trouble. A loaded gun? You've got some 'splainin' to do! ... more info
10:13 on October 11 2014

Waka Flocka Flame arrested after being found with loaded gun at Atlanta airport

NMERapper's mother claims handgun actually belongs to his fiancé more info


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