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4 stories in this thread

08:38 on May 30 2016

Watch Adele tell off a fan for filming her live show with a video camera

NMEDuring a recent gig, Adele spotted a woman filming the show with a video camera attached to a tripod more info
15:27 on May 30 2016

Watch Adele Call Out A Fan For Using a Video Camera

Time'Can you take your tripod down? This isn't a DVD' more info
14:17 on May 31 2016

Adele tells fan to put down her camera

USA Today MusicA word to the wise, if you were lucky enough to get Adele tickets, don't bring a tripod to the show. She doesn't like it. Keri Lumm (@thekerilumm) reports.     ... more info
16:54 on May 30 2016

Adele completely owns a fan she catches filming her live show on a video camera

The MirrorThe singer wasn't impressed by the lens pointing at her and suggested she enjoyed it in 'real life' more info


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