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4 stories in this thread

03:17 on July 27 2015

Watch Lady Gaga Join U2 In NYC

StereogumU2 continued their eight-show run at Madison Square Garden tonight, and they brought out a special guest. Lady Gaga came out to perform “Ordinary Love,” U2’s contri... more info
18:33 on July 27 2015

Watch Lady Gaga and U2 Perform Original Love at Madison Square Garden

Time"An extraordinary girl, Lady Gaga!” more info
18:48 on July 27 2015

U2 @ Madison Square Garden, NYC 7/26/2015

StereogumOn one of the screens outside Madison Square Garden last night, there was an image that slid through between every couple of ads: an image of U2 with the words “I just ... more info
15:26 on July 28 2015

Watch U2 Play “Two Hearts Beat As One” For The First Time In 26 Years

StereogumThe North American leg of U2’s Innocence + Experience tour has already been eventful. The band are currently playing eight nights at Madison Square Garden, and we alrea... more info


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