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5 stories in this thread

16:20 on June 4 2016

Paul Simon Paused While Singing Final Verse of 'The Boxer' to Break News That Muhammad Ali Had Died

People.comAn audible sadness passed through the crowd before Simon finished performing the Simon & Garfunkel song more info
18:47 on June 4 2016

Paul Simon Paused While Singing ‘The Boxer’ to Break News of Muhammad Ali Death

TimeA hush fell over the audience more info
16:06 on June 5 2016

Watch Paul Simon Inform Berkeley Crowd of Muhammad Ali's Death

Rolling StonePaul Simon's tour in support of new LP Stranger to Stranger rolled into Berkeley, California Friday, the same night Muhammad Ali died at the age of 74. As the boxer's dea... more info
16:25 on June 5 2016

Paul Simon announces Muhammad Ali’s death while performing “The Boxer” — watch

Consequence of Sound"'I am leaving, I am leaving,' but the fighter still remains." more info
08:59 on June 6 2016

Watch Paul Simon inform fans of Muhammad Ali's death while singing 'The Boxer'

NMESimon broke the sad news during his gig in Los Angeles on Friday night (June 3) more info


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