Watch Sufjan Stevens’ Carrie & Lowell Live Concert Film For Free
There's been almost as much Sufjan Stevens news today as there has been #FyreFest news! Well, not as much... but a lot. Asthmatic Kitty released a new Sufjan Stevens live album from his 2015 Carrie & Lowell tour and shortly after, the label announced they'll be putting out a mixtape featuring outtakes, remixes, and demos…
Stereogum — Sufjan Stevens: the gift that keeps on giving! Today, he released the
Carrie & Lowell Live
album, and Asthmatic Kitty has just announced that they'll be putting out a m... more info
Stereogum — There's been almost as much Sufjan Stevens news today as there has been #FyreFest news! Well, not as much... but a lot. Asthmatic Kitty released a new Sufjan Stevens live... more info — Sufjan Stevens will be releasing an album of outtakes, remixes, and demos from Carrie & Lowell on October 20th. Track Listing “Wallowa Lake Monster” (Carrie & Lowell ... more info