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6 stories in this thread

12:58 on June 1 2009

Wavves blame 'ecstasy, valium and xanax' for disastrous Primavera show

NMEPlus band have cancelled their UK tour more info
15:03 on June 1 2009

WAVVES cancels whole European tour (post-meltdown)

Brooklyn VeganWAVVES was supposed to be touring Europe until the end of June, but hasn't played a show since The Great Spanish Meltdown of 2009, and, as you can see above, doesn't plan... more info
16:00 on June 1 2009

Wavves Cancels European Tour

StereogumOn the heels of last week's drug-fueled onstage breakdown and subsequent apology, Nathan Williams will be taking a much-needed breather this month. Appearances at NYC's B... more info
15:11 on June 1 2009

Wavves Cancels UK Tour

ClickmusicNathan Williams cites personal reasons for cancelling his first UK tour dates this month. more info
09:17 on June 2 2009

Wavves cancel tour in light of Nathan Williams’ drug-related onstage meltdown

My Chemical ToiletWavves' Nathan Williams has confirmed what most people already knew - a cocktail of drugs before a live performance ain't the best idea. more info
13:00 on June 1 2009

Wavves Self-Destructs on Stage, Offers Seemingly Halfhearted Apology

BuzzgrinderI always had an inkling that Wavves was a less than legit internet buzz hype sensation kind of an act. Turns out my suspicions were confirmed when the band recently had a... more info


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